73-The association of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) A1298C gene polymorphism, homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate with coronary artery disease (CAD) in the north of Iran. Turkish Journal of BiochemistryVolume 45: Issue 6 . Published online: 20 Jul 2020. Saeideh Amani, Ebrahim Mirzajani, Seyed Mehrdad Kassaee, Minoo Mahmoudi and Fardin Mirbolouk. 

74-Co-treatment of AMPA endocytosis inhibitor and GluN2B antagonist facilitate consolidation and  retrieval of memory impaired by β amyloid peptide. Inter National  Journal OF Neuroscience2020.Fatemeh Ashourpour, Adele Jafari and Parvin Babaei.

75-Research paper: The effects of ripe pistachio hulls hydroalcoholic extract and aerobic training on learning and memory in streptozotocin-induced diabetic male rats. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Volume 11, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 525-533. Gorabi, S.A., Mohammadzadeh, H., Rostampour, M.pdf

76-Liothyronine could block the programmed death-ligand 1 (PDL1) activity: an e-Pharmacophore modeling and virtual screening study. Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. Published online: 26 Oct 2020. Navid Pourzardosht , Zahra Sadat Hashemi , Maysam Mard-Soltani , AbolfazlJahangiri , Mohammad Reza Rahbar , Alireza Zakeri , Ebrahim Mirzajani &Saeed Khalili.

77-Genetic Characterization of Echinococcus granulosus Sensu Lato in Livestock and Human Isolates from North of Iran Indicates the Presence of E. ortleppi in Cattle. Acta Parasitologica. Published: 20 October 2020. Khadijeh Nematdoost, Keyhan Ashrafi, Bijan Majidi-Shad, Eshrat Beigom Kia, Arash Zeinali & Meysam Sharifdini. 

78-Significant Destructive Interaction of BDNF Val>Met Polymorphism with Stroke Severity and Family History of Dementia for Cognitive Impairments. Acta neurologica TaiwanicaVolume 29(3), 30 September 2020, Pages 67-78. Rezaei, S, Mobarake, K.A, Saberi, A, Keshavarz, P. 

79-Analysis of risk factors influencing the BK polyomavirus replication in patients with ESRD waiting for kidney transplantation. Microbial Pathogenesis Volume 149, December 2020, 104558. Aydin Pourkazemi,Mohammad Shenagari,Ali Monfared,Amir Hassankhani,Foroogh Nazari Chamaki, Masoud Khosravi,Mohammad kazem Lebadi,Babak Ashrafkhani. 

80-Structural analyses and engineering of the pmHAS enzyme to improve its functional performance: An in silico study. Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry2020. Alireza Zakeri , Sepideh Khoshsorour , Mohsen Karami Fath , Navid Pourzardosht , Faezeh Fazeli & Saeed Khalili.

81-Evaluation of beta-thalassemia in the fetus through cffDNA with multiple polymorphisms as a haplotype in the beta-globin gene. Transfusion Clinique et Biologique Available online 13 August 2020. Nadia Mirzaei Gisomi,Gholamreza Javadi,Shohre Zare Karizi,Mohammad Miryounesi,Parvaneh Keshavarz.

82-SA/G hydrogel containing hCAP-18/LL-37-engineered WJ-MSCs-derived conditioned medium promoted wound healing in rat model of excision injury. Life Sciences Volume 261, 15 November 2020, 118381. RezaSabzevari,Amaneh MohammadiRoushandeh, AhmadMehdipour, Mauro Alini, Mehryar HabibiRoudkenar. 

83-The effects of radiofrequency on the bacteriological and histological characteristics of tonsils in patients with chronic and persistent tonsillitis. American Journal of OtolaryngologyVolume 41, Issue 6, November–December 2020, 102657. ShadmanNemati,Fahimeh Mohammadghasemi, AliMojtahedi, Ali FaghihHabibi,SamanehRouhi,Ehsan Kazem NejadLeili,Mahboobeh Moroosi.

84-The Role of Metallic Nanoparticles to Inhibition of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and Enhances Phagosome Maturation into the Infected Macrophage. Oman Medical Journal Volume 35, Issue 5, 2020, Article number 78, Pages 1-19. Alireza Jafari, Atabak Nagheli, Ali Alavi Foumani, Bahram Soltani and Raj Goswami.pdf 

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86-Intestinal protozoan and helminthic infections among hemodialysis and cancer patientsParasitology Research.Published online:24 May 2020. Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi,Hoseyin Hasani,Amalia Tsiami,Keyhan Ashrafi, Paul Johnson ,Mysam Sharifdini, Panagiotis Karanis.pdf 

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88-The methanolic extract of cinnamomum zeylanicum bark improves formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity through reduction of phospho-tau (Thr231), inflammation, and apoptosis. EXCLI Journal 2020;19:671-686 – ISSN 1611-2156. published: May 25, 2020. Sara Sayad-Fathi, Arash Zaminy, Parvin Babaei, Fatemeh Yousefbeyk, Nasibeh Azizi,Ebrahim Nasiri.pdf  

89-Seroepidemiology and Associated Risk Factors of Toxoplasma gondii in Hemodialysis Patients. Acta Parasitol 2020 Jun 12. Farshid Saadat , Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi , Ebrahim Rajabi  , Zahra Atrkar Roshan, Bijan Majidi Shad   , Panagiotis Karanis.

90-Therapeutic effects of melatonin-treated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy2020, Article number 101804.Mahdi Ramezani, Alireza Komaki, Nasrin Hashemi-Firouzi, Keywan Mortezaee, NafisehFaraji, Zoleikha Golipoor.       

91-Current insights into the metastasis of epithelial ovarian cancer -hopes and hurdles. Cellular Oncology. Published online:16 May 2020. Meysam Yousefi, Sadegh Dehghani,Rahim Nosrati,Mahmoud Ghanei,Arash Salmaninejad,Sara Rajaie,Malihe Hasanzadeh,Alireza Pasdar.pdf 

92-Challenging TaqMan probe‑based real‑time PCR and loop‑mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP): the two sensitive moleculartechniques for the detection of toxoplasmosis, a potentiallydangerous opportunistic infection in immunocompromised patie. Archives of Microbiology. Published online:24 May 2020. Bahram Soltani Tehrani, Ebrahim Mirzajani,Shirzad Fallahi, Kourosh Manouchehri Naeini,Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi,Mansureh Safari Kavishahi,Vajiheh Eskandari,Nozhat Zebardast.pdf 

93-Evaluating Inhibitory Effects of Paclitaxel and Vitamin D3 Loaded PolyLactic Glycolic Acid Co-Delivery Nanoparticles on the Breast Cancer Cell Line. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1. Sepideh Khodaverdi, Alireza Jafari, Farahnaz Movahedzadeh, Fateme Madani, Arshid Yousefi Avarvand,Siavash Falahatkar.pdf 

94-Design, in silico, one‑pot synthesis, and biological evaluations of novel bis‑urea analogs. Research on Chemical Intermediates. Published online:2 May 2020. Sajede Shoja , Nosrat Ollah Mahmoodi,Hossein Ghafouri,Mehdi Rassa,Alireza Sharafshah, Esmaeel Panahi Kokhdan.pdf 

95- Association of Estrogen Receptor Alpha gene SNPs Arg157Ter C>T and Val364Glu with Female Infertility. British Journal of Biomedical Science. Accepted author version posted online: 21 Apr 2020 .SJ Zaer, M Farsimadan, A Abiri, A Sharafshah & H Vaziri. 

96-Gene Expression and Levels of TGF-Β in PBMC Is Associated with Severity of Symptoms in Chronic Heart Failure. Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology, Vol. 12, No. 2, April-June 2020. Samaneh Saadati, Vajiheh Eskandari, Farzaneh Rahmani, Mohammad Jafar Mahmoudi,Zahra Rahnemoon, Zahra Rahmati, Fatemeh Gorzin, Mona Hedayat, Ali Akbar Amirzargar,and Nima Rezaei.pdf 

97-Supplementation of various zinc sources modify sexual development and testicular IGF family gene expression in pre-pubertal male Japanese quail. Research in Veterinary Science 130 (2020) 87–92. Zeinab Khoobbakht, Mohammad Roostaei-Ali Mehra, Mehrdad Mohammadi,Fahimeh Mohammadghasemi, Mohammad Mehdi Sohani.pdf 

98-New perspectives on Nephridiacanthus major(Acanthocephala: ligacanthorhynchidae) collected from hedgehogs in Iran. Journal of Helminthology. Accepted: 14 January 2020. O.M. Amin , M. Sharifdini, R.A. Heckmann and M. Zarean.pdf

99-The Phylogenetic Relatedness of blaNDM-1Harboring Extended-Spectrum β-actamase Producing Uropathogenic Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in the North of Iran. Infection and Drug Resistance 2020:13. Samar Jamali,Talayeh Tavakoly,Ali Mojtahedi,Mohammad Shenagari.pdf 

100-Isolation and molecular identification of free-living amoebae (Naegleria spp., Acanthamoeba spp. and Vermamoeba spp.) from mineral springs in Guilan Province, northern Iran.journal and Health, in press,2020. Mohammad Hossein Feiz Haddad, Habib Habibpourand Mohammad Reza Mahmoudi.                        

101-Single locus and haplotype association of ENPP1 gene variants with the development of retinopathy among type 2diabetic patients. Int Ophthalmol. Published online:4 january 2020. Sahar Gohari-Lasaki . Alireza Sharafshah . Saima Abbaspour.Parvaneh Keshavarz.pdf 

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105-Optical and electrochemical-based nano-aptasensing approaches for the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Biosensors and Bioelectronics 148 (2020) 111833. Hossein Safarpour, Sadegh Dehghani, Rahim Nosrati, Nozhat Zebardast, Mona Alibolandi, Ahad Mokhtarzadeh, Mohammad Ramezani.pdf 

106-Haplotype-Based Association and In Silico Studies of OPRM1 GeneVariants with Susceptibility to Opioid Dependence Among Addicted Iranians Undergoing Methadone Treatment. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience (2020) 70:504–513. Hedyeh Fazel Tolami, Alireza Sharafshah, Laleh Fazel Tolami, Parvaneh Keshavarz.pdf

107-Prognostic and therapeutic significance of circulating tumor cells in patients with lung cancer. Cellular Oncology(2020) 43:31–49. Meysam Yousefi, Parisa Ghaffari , Rahim Nosrati, Sadegh Dehghani , Arash Salmaninejad, Yousef Jafari Abarghan,Seyed H. Ghaffari.pdf 

108-A comparative evaluation of freezing criteria and molecular characterization of epiphytic ice-nucleating (Ice+) and non-ice-nucleating (Ice−) Pseudomonas syringae and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Journal of Plant Pathology (2020) 102:169–178. Bahareh Karimi, Rahim Nosrati,Bibi Sedigheh Fazly Bazzaz,Mirsasan Mirpour,Mohammadali Malboobi,Parviz Owlia.pdf

109-Co-Treatment of Vitamin D Supplementation and Aerobic Training Improves Memory Deficit in Ovariectomized Rat.Volume 130, 2020 - Issue 6.Parvin Babaei, Arsalan Damirchi, Zahra Hoseini & Rastegar Hoseini.

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